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Vaisala PTB330 Barometer
Availability: Rental
Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital Barometer PTB330 is a new generation barometer, designed for a wide range of high-end atmospheric pressure measurement.
Valeport Tidemaster Portable Tide Gauge
Availability: Rental
The TideMaster is a small, cost effective Water Level Recorder, specifically designed for applications where the user requires an accurate record of water height, but with the added option of meteorological data via a ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor. Suitable for use in fresh or salt water, the TideMaster can be deployed for up […]
Valeport MIDAS WLR Water Level Recorder
Availability: Rental
The MIDAS WLR replaces the popular Model 730T as Valeport’s Water Level Recorder / Seabed Tide Gauge. Designed for long or short term deployments in offshore environments, or locations where a traditional shore based tide gauge is impractical, the MIDAS WLR may be moored in line or to the seabed. The standard instrument is fitted […]
Valeport miniTIDE Self Recording Tide Gauge
Availability: Rental
The miniTIDE is a small Tide Recorder, designed for short term underwater deployments. Fitted with a 0.01% temperature compensated piezo-resistive cell, the miniTIDE will record high accuracy pressure data for a period of 1 month at a 10 minute sampling interval, using a single alkaline C cell. This makes it ideal for use in short […]
Valeport VRS-20 Radar Level Sensor
Availability: Rental
The VRS-20 is a pulsed k-band radar level sensor developed by Valeport to work seamlessly with the TideMaster tide logger, operate standalone with optional integrated GPRS telemetry or interface to a third party data logger. Versatile and simple to install, the VRS-20 addresses a number of the issues traditionally associated with water level measurement. Non-contact […]
Datawell Waverider Mk3 System
Availability: Rental
The Directional Waverider hardly needs any introduction: it is the world’s standard for measuring wave height and wave direction. Its success is due to the proprietary well-proven and accurate Datawell stabilized platform sensor, enabling wave height measurements by a single accelerometer. For the wave direction, direct pitch and roll measurements are performed needing no integration. […]
Sonardyne 7970 SSM
Availability: Rental
Sonardyne’s range of Super Sub-Mini Transponder/Responders (SSMs) represent the latest design developments in the acoustic positioning of ROVs, towfish and other subsea targets. The Type 7970 Super Sub-Mini is designed for deepwater applications up to 4,000 metres and has a highpower directional transducer with an acoustic output comparable to Sonardyne’s most powerful Compatt transponders. For […]
Sonardyne 7973 SSM
Availability: Rental
Sonardyne’s range of Super Sub-Mini Transponder/Responders (SSMs) represents the latest design developments in the acoustic positioning of ROVs, towfish and other subsea targets. The Type 7973 Super Sub-Mini isdepth rated to 1,000 metres and has an omni-directional beam pattern that gives a wide area of acoustic coverage. For improved positioning accuracy, a built-in pressure transducer […]
Sonardyne 8070 Wideband Sub-Mini
Availability: Rental
WSM is our previous generation release transponder which has now been replaced by WMT 6. Although the WSM transponder is no longer available to purchase, Sonardyne still offers full after sales technical support including spares, repairs and servicing for this product. The Type 8070 Dual Release Wideband Sub-Mini (WSM) is a 4,000 metre rated transponder/ […]
Sonardyne Ranger Pro USBL
Availability: Rental
Ranger system is a high performance, survey grade Ultra-Short BaseLine (USBL) acoustic positioning system designed for Dynamic Positioning (DP) reference and ROV/towfish tracking operations. The system incorporates Sonardyne Wideband® acoustic signal technology to enable seamless multi vessel ‘SIMOPS’ capability ensuring no vessel down time. It is recognised as the optimum solution for deep water DP […]
Sonardyne Scout USBL
Availability: Rental
Scout USBL is a complete vessel based acoustic positioning system designed for tracking divers, ROVs and towfish in waters up to 1,000 metres. The system calculates the position of a subsea target by measuring the range (distance) and bearing (heading) from a vessel mounted transceiver to a small acoustic transponder fitted to the target; a […]
Valeport MIDAS SVX2 Combined CTD/SVP
Availability: Rental
The MIDAS SVX2 is the latest version of Valeport’s unique instrument. Recognising the conflict faced by users requiring the superior Sound Velocity data from an SVP, but still needing the Salinity and Density data from a CTD, the MIDAS SVX2 combines both technologies to give the best of both worlds. Now fitted with a 0.01% […]
Valeport MIDAS CTD Profiler
Availability: Rental
The MIDAS CTD (previously known as the Model 606) is Valeport’s premier CTD Profiler. High accuracy sensors (including ±0.01% pressure) and robust titanium design allow reliable operation to 6000m depth, under the harshest conditions. It also features truly synchronised sampling to ensure that all sensors are sampled at exactly the same point during a profile. […]
Valeport MIDAS CTD+ Multiparameter Profiler
Availability: Rental
The MIDAS CTD+ is a revolutionary Multiparameter CTD, with a wide choice of standard sensors. Featuring Valeport’s latest 400 Series electronics, the CTD+ will sample all fitted sensors at exactly the same instant, at up to 8Hz. Advanced setup software allows a variety of sampling regimes including burst modes, delay starts, and conditional sampling. With […]
Sonardyne 7667 LCU
Availability: Rental
ORTs and DORTs are controlled using a frequency band specific Lightweight Command Unit (LCU) which consists of an over-the-side dunking transducer connected either to a splash-proof handheld terminal or, via supplied software, to any PC. The Type 7663 unit is a Medium Frequency LCU for commanding ORTs whilst the Type 7667 LCU is a Low […]
Sonardyne 7710 DORT
Availability: Rental
Deep Oceanographic Release Transponders (DORTs) are tough, reliable acoustic releases designed for deployment in either 2,000 metres or 6,000 metres of water. The units are commonly used to moor oceanographic instrument strings on the seabed for periods of up to 36 months. However, their compact size allows them to be easily incorporated into subsea instrument […]
Sonardyne 7869 15T Heavy Duty Acoustic Release Frame
Availability: Rental
In order to increase the Safe Working Load (SWL) of a standard ORT, DORT, Heavy Load DORT, P-DORT and Heavy Load Compatt 5, Sonardyne offer a range of heavy duty release frames. The frames act as a load amplifier so that only a fraction of the mooring load passes through the acoustic release. Applications include: […]
Sonardyne 7967 LRT Deck Unit
Availability: Rental
LRTs, LATs, Coastal Transponders and TZ/OBC Transponders are commanded using a Type 7967-000-01 transponder deck unit. The system comprises of a deck unit and dunking transducer supplied with 10 metres of cable. The deck unit is used initially to program the acoustic identity of the transponder, test the transponder and, in the case of the […]
Sonardyne Lighweight Release Transponder 7986
Availability: Rental
The Type 7986 Lightweight Release Transponder (LRT) has been developed from transponders capable of accurately positioning hundreds of seismic receiver nodes. It has both receive and transmit functions, unlike similar low-cost release transponders, enabling accurate slant ranges to be measured, release actuation to be confirmed and its position to be accurately determined. The LRT is […]
Teledyne Benthos ATM-886
Availability: Rental
Teledyne Benthos underwater acoustic modems are used in worldwide subsea applications and are the only modems available in a combined modem/acoustic release configuration. Reduce the umbilical clutter by making any subsea sensor a wireless sensor for shallow or deep water applications. OEM configurations are available.
Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long Ranger ADCP
Availability: Rental
For long-range, long-term deployments, the Long Ranger is the best choice for collecting detailed data on seasonal and annual current structure fluctuations for scientific research and offshore oil and gas applications. The highly reliable Long Ranger delivers the precision accuracy you require, combined with the dependability of RDI’s proven Workhorse products. Hundreds of Long Ranger […]