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Tool Tec IPHU Skid
Availability: Rental, Sale
Tool Tec’s Isolated Hydraulic Power Unit (IHPU) Skid is ideal for many applications and can be fitted directly to most WROVs utilising the 4-point mounting arrangement. The skids integrated Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) generates hydraulic power to operate ROV subsea tooling utilising an internal oil reservoir which is independent of the ROVs main hydraulic system. […]
Subnero M25M Standalone (SC) Modem
Availability: Rental, Sale
Subnero’s silver edition standalone underwater smart modem is the workhorse communication node to be used in the general commercial deployments. This modem also provides options for customization and extension at many levels, allowing network protocols as well as physical layer algorithms to be implemented and tested easily. The standalone configuration (SC) is designed with a […]
Subsea Tooling Services Boulder Grabs
Availability: Rental, Sale
Subsea Tooling Services provides a wide range of hydraulic boulder grabs, with capacities spanning from 3 to 20 tons. Each grab is fully certified and features stainless steel hinge pins, marine-grade paint, and fully marinised hydraulic cylinders, ensuring peak performance in subsea environments. Every unit comes with a detailed documentation and certification package, including information […]
Subsea Tooling Services 6” Piranha Dredger
Availability: Rental, Sale
The STS Piranha range is Subsea Tooling Services latest design of high performance dredging equipment. A light weight slim lined dredger designed to fit directly to the side of any work class ROV. The dredger system comes with 360 degree swivel heads which dramatically reduces wear on the ROV manipulator by eliminating all the rotation […]
Tritech Gemini 1200ik Sonar (1000m)
Availability: Rental
The Gemini 1200ik multibeam imaging sonar is a powerful addition to the popular Gemini range. The multibeam imaging sonar offers two operational frequencies with the ability to switch between low and high frequency dependant on the user’s requirement. The 720kHz low frequency setting is designed for target identification and obstacle avoidance at long range, whilst […]
Tritech Gemini NBI Sonar
Availability: Rental
The Gemini NBI produces an acoustic image, cutting through the water with a narrow acoustic beam and at the high refresh rate offered from the Gemini range of multibeam sonars. Based on the proven design of the Gemini 720i, the Gemini NBI uses a 1° vertical beam instead of the 20° vertical beam found previously. […]
Applied Acoustics 1100 Mini Beacon
Availability: Rental
1100 Series Mini Beacons incorporate the next generation of applied acoustics’ Sigma 2 acoustic protocols. Utilising bi-directional wide band width spread spectrum provides precise range resolution and positional stability. The Sigma 2 protocols are designed for use with Easytrak Pyxis and Nexus 2. The 1100 Series also retains compatibility with all Easytrak systems and other […]
Imenco Lizard Shark HD Camera
Availability: Rental
The Lizard Shark HD – Pan / Tilt HD Zoom Camera with Lights is a unique subsea pan/tilt camera with a diameter of only 90mm, allowing you to access and inspect difficult targets in an efficient and safe manner. Imenco’s Lizard Shark HD – Pan / Tilt HD Zoom Camera with Lights rated to 1,000msw. […]
Nortek VM Coastal Package
Availability: Rental
The Signature VM package delivers vessel-mounted ADCP capabilities based on present-day technology, it safeguards data quality, opens up new and unprecedented opportunities to the scientific community, and offers operational convenience and reduced complexity. The VM Coastal package includes the Signature1000, 500 or 250, allowing for great versatility in both the vessel-mounted and bottom-mounted configurations. By […]
I2S OrphieCam 3000
Availability: Rental
The OrphieCam 3000 is designed for deep-sea applications down to 3000 meters. This camera stands out in extreme underwater environments by offering unrivalled visibility, making it the preferred choice for a variety of ultra-deepwater applications. OrphieCam 3000 is an indispensable ally. It delivers a real-time video stream with minimal latency and low bandwidth. The camera […]
I2S OrphieCam 300
Availability: Rental
OrphieCam 300 is designed to excel in challenging environments up to 300 meters depth. It is the best choice for a wide range of applications with exceptional visibility distance in turbid waters. Offering real-time video streaming with less than 130 ms of latency and low bandwidth, this camera will meet the needs of professionals.
Impact Subsea FMD System
Availability: Rental
Impact Subsea are proud to present the ground breaking ISFMD: the smallest, most advanced and reliable acoustic Flooded Member Detection System available today. Suitable for Diver or ROV use, the ISFMD utilises a broadband composite transducer probe together with an advanced acoustic engine to provide the highest level of accuracy and reliability in readings. Through […]
Kongsberg EM2042 MBES System
Availability: Rental
Small in size, but powerful in potential, the EM 2042 Multibeam Echosounder is efficient, light, robust and reliable: delivering high-density, high-resolution, clean data in the most demanding marine environments. With simple installation and failure free operation, the EM 2042 has been designed for use on a wide variety of vessels. It’s accuracy, versatility and stability, […]
Kongsberg Seatex MRU-5+
Availability: Rental
The MRU 5+ product is upgraded with the best MEMS based gyro technology available. With exceptional low angle noise and bias stability, the product is ideal for integrated INS/GNSS systems and demanding survey applications.
Kongsberg Seatex MRU-5
Availability: Rental
The MRU 5 represents the pinnacle of marine motion sensing technology – embodying a specially designed fifth-generation device that excels in delivering high precision motion measurements within marine applications. It stands out in its ability to offer highly accurate roll, pitch, and heave measurements for the most demanding users.
Kongsberg Seatex MRU-H
Availability: Rental
MRU H, the versatile heave compensator, represents the fifth generation MRU specially designed for heave compensation applications. As an ideal sensor for a range of marine applications requiring highly accurate heave measurements, this unit enhances the precision in environments with extreme horizontal accelerations.
Kongsberg cNODE Modem MiniS
Availability: Rental
The cNODE Modem MiniS is designed for the Point 2 Point transfer of data between two cNODE’s or to a surface vessel equipped with any HiPAP and µPAP systems. The data telemetry operates on CYMBAL digital protocols, Kongsberg field proven robust proprietary link. One cNODE Modem MiniS can address several other cNODE Modems during operation […]
Kongsberg Seapath 130
Availability: Rental
The Seapath 130 series is developed specifically for hydrographic surveying where high-precision heading, position, velocity, roll, pitch, heave and timing are critical measurements. The product combines state-of-theart multi-frequency GNSS receivers, inertial technology and processing algorithms in a compact and portable package.
Kongsberg Seapath 385
Availability: Rental
The all-new Seapath 385 is based on the legacy of the Seapath 300-series and incorporates new hardware and advanced navigation algorithms. The Seapath 385 is developed specifically for hydrographic surveying where high-precision heading, position, velocity, roll, pitch, heave and timing are critical measurements. Our solution combines state-of-the-art inertial technology and processing algorithms with multi-frequency GPS, […]
SMD Artemis System (Passive)
Availability: Rental
Artemis is the cable and pipeline tracking solution that everyone has been crying out for. Representing a huge leap forward in cable detection technology, like its namesake, the Artemis is an unrivalled hunter, significantly outperforming the next best solution in terms of depth, orientation and accuracy. Artemis Trenching and Artemis Survey systems have been specifically […]
Sonardyne Nano Transponder
Availability: Rental
Nano is Sonardynes smallest ever USBL transponder, designed to let you know where your divers, man-portable AUVs, towed platforms, underwater drones and ROVs are throughout their mission. Nano’s built using the same signal technology platform you’ll find in our award-winning 6G product line – Wideband 2. So you can expect reliable acoustic communications in all […]