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Sonardyne iWand

Availability: Rental, Sale

Sonardyne iWand is a rugged, handheld unit that’s used to acoustically test, configure and download settings from 6G transponders on the back deck and in the workshop. It’s frequently used when deploying arrays of Compatt 6 transponders.

iWand is used in conjunction with 6G configuration software running on your survey room or workshop PC. It enables all 6G (excluding WSM6, which can only be acoustically tested) transponders to be easily configured. The configuration of the various transponders can then be exported to a document as an audit trail, or to a file that can be imported into Sonardyne positioning system navigation software packages like Fusion 2.

The simple to use interface and sunlight readable display makes it easy to test, gather and download configurations in all weathers, day or night.

Communication to a transponder is via the acoustic ‘wand’ antenna which is held against the transponder’s acoustic transducer. This tests the acoustic transmission and reception functions of the transponder ensuring they are operating correctly – a key performance indicator.



Other Use Cases


    • Engineered for the workshop or out on the back deck
    • Works with all 6G transponders
    • Use it to acoustically test, configure and save settings for QC
    • Splash-proof, rugged and portable design
    • Speeds up pre-deployment checks – allows batch settings to be uploaded

    CONTACT General sales enquiries

    +47 52 81 47 60 (24 hour)
