RTS nominated as “Company of the Year” in Haugalandet
It is a great honor to be one of four candidates vying for the title “Company of the Year 2023” in Haugalandet, Norway. Thanks to Næringsforeningen and the jury for thorough work and nomination.
RTS was also nominated in 2012 without going all the way to the top. It’s great that we once again are getting noticed and can be a part of the competition. As in any match, we would prefer to win but realize that we are in a tough group with talented people and companies spread throughout the region.
On a daily basis, we are most focused on being ahead of our customers’ needs and delivering the smartest solutions for everyone involved – including our planet. Today, on the other hand, we will take in all that the Haugalandskonferansen has to offer, and enjoy the announcement of the winner and the celebratory dinner afterwards.
May the best win.
Good luck!
The other nominees are Granberg (Bjoa), Omega 365 (Ølensvåg) and Ydra (Aksdal).
1. Have its headquarters in Haugalandet
2. Have a good financial foundation and a good economic development
3. Be leading and/or innovative in their area
4. Be active as a network builder in the region
5. Focus on sustainability