RTS are proud to introduce our new Tooling Workshop
We are now in a position to execute repairs and maintenance on both hire and customer equipment. We have the advantage of having the ocean on our doorstep enabling us to wet test and perform FAT in realistic environments.
The new workshop is specifically designed to separate manipulator and other tooling repairs.
RTS partnered with Rovquip in June 2020 which gives us access to a vast ROV tooling rental pool. Rovquip is based in the UK and with its shipping communications all over the world we can deliver anywhere at short notice.
Thomas has been working with manipulator and tooling repairs for 8 years and has experience as a tool technician including larger tooling systems being used offshore.
If you have any questions or require further information on tooling please contact Thomas directly on thomasp@rts.as or +47 994 72 220.

Tooling Workshop

Tooling Workshop

Thomas Pedersen fine tuning RTS Developed ROV friendly Drill

Mechanical Workshop

Mechanical Workshop