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Sonardyne 7869 15T Heavy Duty Acoustic Release Frame

Availability: Rental

In order to increase the Safe Working Load (SWL) of a standard ORT, DORT, Heavy Load DORT, P-DORT and Heavy Load Compatt 5, Sonardyne offer a range of heavy duty release frames. The frames act as a load amplifier so that only a fraction of the mooring load passes through the acoustic release. Applications include: offshore construction, marine salvage, defence and oceanographic research.

Manufactured from high strength steel which is galvanised and painted, the release frames offer excellent corrosion resistance and are suitable for long term deployment. This can be up to three years if the acoustic release is fitted with a lithium battery pack.

Depending on the type of acoustic release being used, the SWL of the unit can be increased up to 50 tonnes. All the frames can be easily assembled in the field and in most cases, fitted without any modification to the transponder itself. Custom frames for special applications or higher load ratings are available on special request.


Other Use Cases


    • Safe Working Loads up to 50 Tonnes
    • Heavier load frames available on request
    • Designed around proven ORT and DORT releases
    • Compact size; just over 1 metre long
    • Galvanically isolated from acoustic release to maximise corrosion resistance
    • Uses industry standard master links

    CONTACT General sales enquiries

    +47 52 81 47 60 (24 hour)
