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Coda Octopus GeoSurvey

Availability: Rental

No matter how much raw data has been collected from the survey site, it’s the results that your client values. When budgets get tighter, survey tasks become ever more time-critical and the process of interpreting acquired data must be as quick and easy as possible.


Coda GeoSurvey Productivity Suite integrates the tasks of analysing, tagging and mosaicing complex data sets – thereby ensuring faster and more precise results.


With Coda GeoSurvey running on multiple workstations with remote networked data storage, high volumes of geophysical data can be managed and processed quickly, maximising Productivity.

Other Use Cases


    • GIS overview window. This shows the track of every line in the database, overlaid onto charts or other relevant survey imagery such as sidescan mosaics, multibeam bathymetry or magnetometer contours.
    • Overlay geotechnical information such as CPT or core logs, for display in the GIS overview or in the data viewers. Transparency layers to allow direct comparison of adjacent parallel survey lines.
    • Display of cross-line intersections to further assist with comparison and QC.
    • Enhanced processing functionality in the frequency domain including histograms and a full range of filters.
    • Interpretation assistance with automatic horizon tracking, multiple identification and cross-line comparison.
    • Generation of Fledermaus objects from either raw or processed data at the click of a button.
    • Complete flexibility for reporting to spreadsheet, ASCII, HTML or other formats.
    • Powerful tools for searching the interpretation database.
    • The widest range of file formats is supported, including Coda, JSF, XTF and various SEG-Y variants.
    • Fully compatible with existing software and acquisition systems from CodaOctopus, such as the Coda DA2000 and the Octopus 760 and also with third party products from all leading manufacturers.

    CONTACT General sales enquiries

    +47 52 81 47 60 (24 hour)
